Tag: profession

Finding Strong Candidates For Your Board

  Does your company have a board of directors? For companies that are not publicly traded, there is no legal obligation to create a board of directors or advisory board. Often, new startups come right out of the gate with a board of directors built-in, full of mentors, advisors, and investors/VC guidance, but some middle-market and large companies are seeing… Read more →


Refreshing Your Resume: Reconnecting With a Lapsed Reference.

It’s very easy when you are employed and busy to let old professional contacts slip away. Past colleagues, bosses, and business relationships get put on the back burner. It’s natural. But now you’re in the job market again, looking for the perfect opportunity, and you’ve realized that it’s been months, maybe years since you’ve been in touch with your former… Read more →


Human Resource Best Practices

Everybody is familiar with the human resource department of an organization. Typically the human resource department runs a lot of work in a company that most people aren’t privy to. This work can consist of bringing on new employees, handling current employees affairs (payroll, insurance plans, etc), and overall management of foundation level processes among many other responsibilities. Just as… Read more →